After a much-needed semi-break, I’m back to Greece calmer and fairly refreshed! I was planning to stay in Italy/Belgium for 4-5 days in total, but I ended up staying 3 weeks! Not bad, considering I took a breather from the extreme stress I had to go through due to album release and MFVF concert preparations, HOWEVER -and because you know I’m a workaholic-, I did work on several secret projects with the SEASON OF GHOSTS session members (aka Ghost Legion). Actually me and Zombie Sam -MIGHT- have some good news for you pretty soon, too 😉

So yeah, I almost finished tidying up my luggage and I’ll start replying to messages and e-mails tonight. Sorry for people who’ve been expecting answers and updates from me, I’ll get back to you asap :3 For now, I’ll drink my guarana coffee alternative and start working!

Remember you can pre-order my new album until the 27 of November 2014. You can pre-order the rest of the merchandise until mid-November! Payments accepted: Paypal or credit card. Prices are in euros, but Paypal will convert your country’s currency without problems and without you moving a finger! Album orders start shipping about a week before the release and a bit later for the rest of the other merch.

BY POPULAR DEMAND, ALL CDs WILL BE SIGNED. For any questions or special requests, please contact orders at

実はSEASON OF GHOSTSのセッションメンバー達と忙しくなったから、プロジェクト色々バタバタしていながら、少しストレス解消の為休みをとった。アルバムプロダクションとリリースの為、MFVFライブの為のストレスはクレイジーのように沢山あったから、少しでも休むべきだったよね。身体は壊れたらダメだし。。w 後、私とZombie Samから大事なお知らせあるかもしれない!もうすぐなにか発表をするかな。。。^^

