Soooooo, I finally found the time to update this blog! It’s really been a really tough and long ride, but believe it or not, a good part of it is over, music, vocals and lyrics are now SET IN STONE!

In a past blog, I wrote about my various health struggles, which compromised the creation of Season of Ghosts’ second album for at least 2 years. It was really difficult to think about music, not to mention create any. However, thanks to the beautiful people behind Season of Ghosts, this album became a reality. I will speak more about how it all happened and how we all made it through the hard times…which actually gave the album its title: A Leap of Faith.

For now, all you need to know is that we just finished a week full of work and fun, full of positivity and beautiful memories, some of which you can watch via our “live” videos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (Instagram lives disappear after 24hrs however our Russian staff has uploaded them on the official SoG community on

Italy relaxes me a lot and recharges my batteries, however coming back home from the recordings I had a major energy crash and I’ve been feeling drained and spent, to the point I lose my balance temporarily and at some point fall asleep in the middle of the day, which is too weird for me. My eyes feel dry and tired and I think my adrenals overworked (more than their usual overwork, if this makes any sense) these past months and finally I see the results. I fought with myself a lot to get back on track with creating music again, because my survival instinct prioritised, well…survival, which is something I’ll not talk about at the moment. It just feels that all the accumulated stress finally got expelled, since what seemed like a huge burden was lifted off my shoulders: the album has been completed!

I’m not trying to say it was a burden making it, but rather that it was a burden having to redirect my mind onto the right track, despite the entirety of my body protesting against anything creative. Despite all this, the album was created smoothly, seamlessly, from start to finish, the songs were created in a natural and intuitive way, it all fell into place in the end and it was so surprising zooming out and watching it from the outside sometimes.

The Leap of Faith pre-master instrumentals were impressive already, but I couldn’t pay the attention they deserved because I was preoccupied with the vocals and the fact that my voice had been damaged by a medicine I had been taking for 1.5 months. It was a shock realising that my vocal qualities had been compromised by depression and medicines. In the end, I stopped the medicine and rehearsed like there was no tomorrow to be able to deliver high-quality vocals during the recordings.

And I think I did! I’ll write more next time. Meanwhile, those who haven’t checked our Pledge Music pre-order, please do. It means the world to us and it’s more fun when you’re part of something bigger than yourself. That’s the way I see it.
