SEASON OF GHOSTS love to surprise and this collaboration has been kept a secret until the very last moment. Sophia worked with Zombie Sam yet again, this time on a holiday classic, “Carol of the Bells”. The song is available for free download, exclusively from Zombie Sam’s website here
(iOs and Nokia smart devices might cause download issues)
“What could be better than a Christmas song around Christmas?
This is a cinematic, modern version of CAROL OF THE BELLS turned into a spooky, real soundtrack.
Featuring real orchestras, recorded and arranged by ZOMBIE SAM for INVICTUS MEDIA.
Guest vocals by Sophia from SEASON OF GHOSTS.
Inspired by many composers and styles, this song will captivate your senses and take you to a mysterious, secret world. Give it a listen and find out by yourself!
This is my gift to all of you.
SEASON OF GHOSTSのSophiaとZombie Samの新しいコラボレーション曲はCarol of the bellsと言います。このクリスマスカバー曲を無料でZombie SamのHPからダウンロードが出来ます。曲は本物のオーケストラサウンドで録音しましたので、是非聴いてみて下さい (iOsとNokiaのスマートフォンからダウンロードエラーの場合があります)。